AIESM, Asociacion Internacional Eventos de Escultura Monumental,
promueve la escultura y los escultores a nivel mundial. |
En la época de la Aldea global la tendencia de superar los confines también se refleja en el Arte.
La experimentación de unir lenguajes artísticos diferentes crea un diccionario nuevo por la expresividad. Para esta perspectiva la página entrega las oportunidades de las varias modalidades artísticas.
The experiment of the union of different artistic languages creates a new dictionary to the expressiveness. Consequently of that, this page is for opportunities of the various artistic modalities. |
OPEN CALL - Artist in Residence - Fall 2014
Deadline: 6th July 2014
Studio das weisse haus, a residency and studio program founded by the art association das weisse haus in 2013 in Vienna, is offering residencies for young international artists who work and / or have academic experience in the fields of fine arts, photography or media arts.The residency is going to take place from September 22 until December 15, 2014. The Studio offers to each Artist in Residence: - a monthly allowance of eur 300 - an one-time contribution of eur 100 - a cover of travel expenses: eur 200 - a private room in the studio building - a studio space
Further information on: http://studiodwh.wordpress.com/2014/06/13/open-call-for-residencies-for-international-artists-2/
NonfermARTI – 24 ore di insonnia creativa - ITALIA
Scadenza: 24 Settembre 2014
Le associazioni culturali AttorIncorso e KreativExperience sono liete di presentare il bando di concorso per la partecipazione alla quarta edizione del festival NonfermARTI – 24 ore di insonnia creativa. Il festival, una giornata dell’arte lunga 24 ore, si svolgerà a Rende (CS) il 18 e il 19 ottobre 2014 presso la Concessionaria Facar Gruppo Aceto (in Contrada Lecco) ed è aperto alla partecipazione di artisti e creativi, per le discipline di: musica, teatro, danza, scrittura creativa, fotografia, cinema e video, pittura, scultura, grafica, fumetti, artigianato. Sono ammesse e gradite contaminazioni tra aree e generi artistici. Maggiori informazioni: http://nonfermarti.weebly.com/
Deadline: 27th June 2014
BERLINERPOOL is looking for international and German artists working in any field of the visual arts with a link to the city of Berlin by means of past/current projects. Quality of artistic portfolio is prerequisite to become a member of berlinerpool. Connections and previous collaborative experience with other members of our network help endorsing the application.
Further information: https://www.berlinerpool.de/blog/view/summer-open-call-for-artists
Interiora: concorso Horror per artisti, musicisti, scrittori
Sono aperte le iscrizioni per partecipare al bando Interiora 2014, il concorso Horror per artisti, musicisti, scrittori, performer, registi, attori e autori cinematografici indipendenti. Il contest è dedicato al tema la “Danse Macabre” e per partecipare c’è tempo fino al 14 luglio 2014.
Maggiori informazioni: http://www.ticonsiglio.com/interiora-concorso-horror-per-artisti-musicisti-scrittori/
Plazo: 11 de Agosto 2014
Premio Fundación Williams de Arte Joven 2014 – Fotografía
El premio tiene como objetivo promover la creación de los artistas jóvenes y dar visibilidad a la producción artística emergente. Podrán participar de esta convocatoria todos los artistas del país (tambien extranjeros con residencia) cuya edad esté comprendida entre los 18 y 35 años.
Primer Premio (adquisición): $ 25.000 (veinticinco mil pesos).
Segundo Premio (adquisición): $ 15.000 (quince mil pesos).
Tercer Premio (adquisición): $ 10.000 (diez mil pesos).
Tres Menciones Honoríficas del Jurado (no adquisición): $ 1.000 (mil pesos) cada una
La muestra de las obras seleccionadas y la entrega de premios se realizará el sábado 13 de diciembre de 2014 a las 13hs en el Museo de Bellas Artes “Benito Quinquela Martín” – Av. Pedro de Mendoza 1835/1843 – La Boca, CABA
Deadline: 31st May 2014
8th Semiannual Competition.The initiatives of the privately held U.S. company focus on advancing the field of visual arts by conducting research, buying works of art for the Collection of Dave Bown Projects, and providing unrestricted monetary awards to visual artists.
Prizes $10,000 USD (1 artist will receive $5,000 USD and 5 artists will each receive $1,000 USD).
Eligibility This competition is open to all visual artists who are 18 years of age or older. All styles and mediums are eligible. During the previous competition, we received submissions from over 40 countries.
Furher information on http://davebownprojects.com/submissions.html