AIESM, Asociacion Internacional Eventos de Escultura Monumental,
promueve la escultura y los escultores a nivel mundial. |
En la época de la Aldea global la tendencia de superar los confines también se refleja en el Arte.
La experimentación de unir lenguajes artísticos diferentes crea un diccionario nuevo por la expresividad. Para esta perspectiva la página entrega las oportunidades de las varias modalidades artísticas.
The experiment of the union of different artistic languages creates a new dictionary to the expressiveness. Consequently of that, this page is for opportunities of the various artistic modalities. |
Deadline: 1st April 2014
The Pontiac Artists’ Association (PAA) organizes an artists’ residency project in Canada, in the beautiful Pontiac countryside, in order to share and makes art for a week, from 21 to 25 July 2014. The Pontiac Artists’ Association includes artists in all mediums, from beginning and emerging artists to professional artists with decades of experience and international exposure. For the fifth year, PAA members will open their doors to visiting artists in order to host a week of making art together and to visit the stunning region. On the arrival artists will meet the organization, which will provide bed and breakfast, and a picnic lunch for the duration of the week. Dinners will be restaurant or potluck events. Every day there will be group activities, and may include a workshop, sharing of portfolio or technique, or an opportunity to create “en plein air” in one of our picturesque locations. Time is allotted to complete works at the Stone School and to share a meal and social event together. An Exhibition and Vernissage will be hosted on Friday at 5 p.m. Participants will have the duration of that day to complete work for hanging.
For more information and to register, contact Val at val@valeriebridgeman.com and visit http://www.artpontiac.com
Painting competition on the web
Deadline 6th April 2014
Art-Competition.net announces a call to artists for an online-juried international art competition. $3,800 in cash and prizes. The Competition is open to all artists 18 years of age or older working in any painting medium.
"Scapes", land, city, sea and mindscape: The work must be paintings in any medium and expressed from representational to nonrepresentational images. The visual narrative of the artist's work should transport the viewer to experience the beauty, uniqueness, or fantasy of the place.
Further information at: http://www.art-competition.net/index.cfm
The Media 3. Art Biennal of Contemporary Art - UK
Art Addiction Gallery announces MAB3 The Media 3. Art Biennal of Contemporary Art, with the aim to bring artists from all the world to show their works on the oldest art site of the world web wide. The competition is open to all artists and is judged solely by visuals submitted online or attachment. All accepted works that pass the screening will entry into competition (awards nominated) and be exhibited two-years beginning with the date of the inclusion.
Material to be sent: From 4 to 8 works submitted inline or attachment send along with the works details: title, year, medium, size, and price. Entry fee Euro 50 / $70 US for two-years on display beginning with the date of the inclusion
Awards -- Grand Prize: One Artist will be awarded two-pages in Art Addiction 100 Contemporary Artists collective art books series edited by WOA publishing. Award value US$4,490.00. -- Prize of Excellence: Two Artists will be awarded one-page in in Art Addiction 100 Contemporary Artists collective art books series edited by WOA publishing. Award value $2,250.00 /each. -- Mention: 50 selected artists will be awarded for Diploma of Excellence (Honorable Award) Deadline Submit today. Selected inclusions are in progress.
Search inside www.artaddiction.net/medial_biennial3/media3front.htm
Email to info@artaddiction.net
Scadenza: 16 febbraio 2014
JES! è un progetto promosso dal Comune di Jesi e co-finanziato dalla Regione Marche Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili e dal Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile nazionale e il contest Creative Ground si propone di premiare un progetto innovativo, sostenibile e radicato sul territorio, seguendone il processo di trasformazione in impresa culturale e/o creativa. Per i vincitori: - Un premio economico di 7.500 euro - Un servizio di mentoring personalizzato condotto da esperti in start up d’impresa - Uno spazio di lavoro/incontro nel centro storico di Jesi per i primi quattro mesi di attività A tutti i finalisti sarà dedicato uno spazio all’interno del catalogo finale prodotto da Jes!
Maggiori informazioni su www.jesplease.it
Scadenza 15 Marzo 2014
L’ACLE, associazione culturale linguistica educational organizza il contest “THE BAJARDO CREATIVE PROJECT”. Bajardo, piccolo comune ligure sospeso tra la Riviera e le Alpi Francesi denominato “La Piccola Tibet”, sarà completamente e gratuitamente a disposizione degli artisti che vorranno partecipare. Il contest è riservato a tutti i giovani creativi (entro i 35 anni di età) che hanno un sogno e un’idea rivoluzionaria e che non hanno i mezzi per realizzarla. I progetti dovranno essere di una durata che varia da 2 giorni a una settimana, un mix di creatività, di innovazione e la passione per la cultura e per la conoscenza. Progetti ammessi: mostre artistiche, progetti educativi, idee creative, conventions, eventi, festival musicali, cinematografici e fotografici, workshops, installazioni e qualsiasi idea abbiate in cantiere.
Maggiori informazioni: www.acle.it
3rd International Emerging Artist Award - UAE
Deadline: 31st January 2014
For the 2013-2014 award edition, IEAA is pursuing its mission to offer the best career incentive to its winners with a prize that will motivate any ambitious artist.The award will be granted to an international artist and an Emirati artist. The prize consists on a two year full representation by Sabrina Amrani Gallery. This competition is open to entrants above 18. Participants are requested to submit an exhibition project which consists of a series of artwork using the media of their choice or a combination of media and support. The subject should express a contemporary issue or an original concept and should be preferably executed using innovative technique of production. Further information on: www.emergingartistaward.com