October 2005 - mexico
The Association Cultura y Arte para CHIAPAS AC, the Municipality of COMITAN in Chiapas and AIESM, International Association for Monumental Sculpture Events, organized from the 1st ...
July 2005 - luxembourg
Florence Hoffmann, A.I.E.S.M. Manager for Luxemburg, organized together with the Group “Animation Gare” the 5° Gare Art Festival 2005, which took place from the 24th to the 31st ...
April 2005 - thailand
The Municipality and the Province of Songkhla, AIESM, International Association for Monumental Sculpture Events, Thai Sculptor Association, Silpakorn University in Bangkok, Faculty...
March 2005 - mexico
From the 3rd to the 13th of March 2005, an international symposium of sculptures on stainless steel, promoted by A.I.E.S.M., with the support of the Mexican Institute of Culture...
December 2004 - costa rica
The sculptor Edgar Zuniga, manager of A.I.E.S.M. for Costa Rica, has organized, since the 1st to the 12th of December 2004, the First International Symposium of Monumental Sculpt...
May 2004 - mexico
The 1° International symposium of monumental sculptures on steel has been held from the 15th of May to 6 th of June 2004 in Tijuana, Mexico and in San Diego, California, patronize...
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