April 2005 - Thailand
 | The Municipality and the Province of Songkhla, AIESM, International Association for Monumental Sculpture Events, Thai Sculptor Association, Silpakorn University in Bangkok, Faculty of Fine Arts of Thaksin University, Art Center of the Silpakorn University, Department of Sculpture, Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts of Silpakorn, and AIS company organized in Thailand the International Symposium of Monumental Sculpture. AIESM is proud to have joined the Thai Partners in the organization of this Event which, for the first time in the history of Thailand saw the realization of 14 monumental works that have been permanently installed in a public space. It has been, indeed, an important historical moment, not only for the whole Thai Nation, but for the Art in general. AIESM is proud, enthusiastic to have contributed to open this door for the future of the Art. AIESM is honored to have devoted this symposium, together with the Thai Partners, in celebration of the auspicios occasion of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s 50th Anniversary. This project started in 2001. Bettino Francini, AIESM World President and Diana Manni, Manager for public relation, visiting Thailand, through the Italian Embassy, contacted Sylpakorn University. During that visit and that meeting Mr. Francini and Mrs. Manni were able to appreciate the good quality of Thai Contemporary Art, but at the same time they could notice the scarce visibility of Art in public spaces in Thailand. Loving this country for its culture, its traditions and its Art, Mr. Francini and Mrs. Manni decided to introduce a project to the Sculpture’s Department of the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University with the purpose to organize the First International Event of Public Art in Thailand. The project was welcomed with enthusiasm and saw later the involvement also of Thaksin Univerisity,Thai Sculptor Association, Songkla’s Municipality and AIS company in the organization and support of the event. AIESM, besides the presentation of the initial project, contributed to the event taking care of the International aspect. Through AIESM, 23 projects of sculpture, from 19 foreign artists in representation of 12 countries reached the Thai committee of selection. Among received International projects, Thai Partners selected for the participation to this symposium the 6 following international artists, members of AIESM: Miguel Hernandez Urban, Mexico, with the project "The origin" - Florence Hoffmann, Luxemburg, with the project "Opening" - Edgar Zuniga, Costa Rica with the project " Vital Force and Creative Technology " - Jon Barlow Hudson, United States, with the project "Janus Basuk", Denis St - Pierre, Canada, with the project "King of sky" - Bettino Francini and Diana Manni, Italy with the project "From Earth to Sky." AIESM artists realized their sculptures in Songkhla, Thailand from the 10th to 29th of April 2005 togheter with the following 8 best known Thai artists: Mr. Inson Wongsam, National artist , Mr. Chamruang Vichienkhet, National artist, Mr. Khemrat Kongsuk, Artist of Distinction, Mr. Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin, Mr. Vichai Sithiratn, Mr. Saravudth Duangjumpa, Head of Silpakorn University’s Sculpture Department, Mr. Vichoke Mukdamanee, Director of Silpakorn University’s Art Centre and Mr. Montri Sangmusikanon, Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts, Thaksin University. The initiative was also focused to involve the local population invited to assist at the creation of the sculptures in a open workshop, in the ambience of celebrations for the Thai New Year's eve. 50 students from different Universities of Thailand, 10 technicians, 20 workers and 2 Engineers of the Municipality of Songkhla have participated to the realization of the sculptures. The event has been followed by magazines, newspapers and television channels at national level and promoted through 7 press conferences, official meetings (among which the meeting with the former Prime Minister), ceremonies of opening and closing, publication of vast promotional material (banners, brochures, video, cd rom). The 14 Monumental Sculptures realized during the symposium, in stainless steel and painted steel, have been donated to Songkhla Municipality and permanently installed in Song Talay Park and Samila Beach, creating a path of public monumental sculptures, unique in Thailand. On 29th of April, the Opening of the sculptures’s exhibition took place in Song Talay Park with the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister of Thai government Mr. Wisanu Krue-ngam, local Authorities and all the partners supporting the symposium. The National Ceremony with the presence of H.R.H.Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Prime Minister Thaksin and Ambassadors of the countries represented in the symposium will take place later, on October 2005. The catalogue of the event will be available soon.