AIESM, Associazione Internazionale Eventi di Scultura Monumentale, promuove la scultura e gli scultori a livello mondiale.

La sperimentazione di unire linguaggi artistici diversi crea un dizionario nuovo per l'espressività. In tale prospettiva questa pagina è dedicata alle opportunità delle modalità artistiche varie.

Submissions are now open for the 7th Annual Mono No Aware exhibition, to take place December 6th & 7th, 2013 at LightSpace Studios in Brooklyn, NY. Open to all artists; filmmakers, performers, poets, musicians - who incorporate Super 8mm, 16mm, 35mm or altered light projections as part of a live performance, installation, sculpture or expanded cinema presentation. DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 31, 2013 (RECEIVED BY) NO DIGITAL PROJECTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED. FILM ONLY. NO FEE FOR SUBMISSION. FUNDED BY LOCAL ARITSTS AND FILMMAKERS. << FORWARD THIS CALL TO FRIENDS >> Event history, entry details and submission form can be found at: www.mononoawarefilm.com The 2013 image (above) is a scan of SCALP MASSAGE, a 16mm film by Kenneth Zoran Curwood. SUMMER WORKSHOPS LIMITED SPOTS REMAINING! JUNE / JULY Direct Filmmaking / Animation 3-D Puppet Animation Hand-Processing Color Negative Film Producing for Independent Film PARTNERS: KODAK, ORWO, DIJIFI, PAC-LAB, THE STANDBY PROGRAM FRIENDS: THE CENTER FOR PERFORMANCE RESEARCH Over the last 7 years the MONO NO AWARE annual festival has become the premiere exhibition to focus on the cinematic experience - blending moving image with performance and installation art. In 2012 there were over 500 people in attendance. MONO NO AWARE is a Brooklyn based organization promoting the work of selected individuals and collectives making contemporary art/film that incorporates Super 8mm, 16mm, 35mm or altered light projections as part of a sculpture, installation, dance, or expanded cinema performance. Our workshop program sees over 200 participants from around the world each year. Mono No Aware is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of Mono No Aware must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. MONO NO AWARE PMB # 303 302 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11249 United States www.mononoawarefilm.com
Surface Arts has created this residency opportunity, in Thailand, in partnership with Rumpueng Community Art Space to bring international artists, who focus on collaborative practices, together from around the world to share skills and ideas. Local and international artists work together to produce new work, exhibitions, provide public events and workshops. Our space is at the heart of the local art community of Chiang Mai and provides a creative hub for local artists. The residency program will invite international artists, working in any medium, into this environment to focus on mutual learning, process, participation and creative education. The residency concentrates on using collaborative practice to generate new work and new audiences and allows artists the time to develop their artistic practice and further their careers. The residencies will be for at least one month. We encourage applications from all artists, writers, musicians, curators, performers etc. and also from artist groups. Each residency will be tailored to the individual artists. RESIDENCY FEE 30,000THB PER RESIDENT ARTIST THE RESIDENCY INCLUDES: • Private Accommodation- bedroom and bathroom • Shared kitchen facilities and social space • Large studio space, office and outdoor area • Café area with free tea and coffee • Three freshly prepared meals a day • Use of bicycle and motorbike • Mentor, guide and translator • WIFI • Transport to and from airport/ train station in Chiang Mai • New networks; introduction to Chiang Mai art organisations and artists • Support for artists in making individual funding applications (where relevant) • Workshop opportunities with local schools, universities and galleries • An exhibition/ show case of work within Chiang Mai • A place in the Surface Arts annual touring exhibition (UK- Thailand) HOW TO APPLY: Please send an outline proposal focusing on collaborative activities, how you would use your time here, up to five images of previous works and which month of the year you would like to take part, along with your C.V. to katie@surfacearts.co.uk Feel free to send any questions you may have.
Miniprint Finland 2014
Miniprint Finland 2014 Open call for artists (dl.September 15th 2013) Deadline for stage 1: September 15th 2013 Submission fee: for stage 1: none International exhibition and competition of small sized graphics Graphic Artist Association of Lahti and Hyvinkää Art Museum are calling artists all over the world to participate into the 8th Miniprint Finland 2014 exhibition at the Hyvinkää Art Museum 28.3.2014 – 18.5.2014. The exhibition is juried and open to all artists. Jurying Jurying will take place in two stages. 1. Stage : Electronically sent images deadline is September 15th 2013 Participation for the first stage is free of charge 2. Stage: chosen artists will be informed and asked to send their original artworks for the final selection Registration fee for the stage 2 is 40 €. This covers the handling costs of the parcels. Works and size limits All the traditional printing techniques including monoprint methods and digitally printed works are accepted. Send no more than 3 artworks. Original artwork’s size should not exceed 20 × 17 × 5 cm. Further information, rules and participation form : www.lahdentaidegraafikot.fi/miniprint2014
Public Artwork(s) open submission....
Public Artwork(s) open submission for facade giving onto new public square, Belfast. €47,600. Deadline 7/8/2013 Connswater Community Greenway C.S Lewis Square in East Belfast commission for public artwork(s) East Belfast Partnership is calling for experienced and suitably qualified artists/ artist teams to produce public artwork(s) for the back facades of the buildings which are adjacent to the proposed new Connswater Community Greenway C.S Lewis Square in East Belfast. It is seeking to commission a permanent, innovative and original artwork(s) by an artist(s). The commissioned artwork(s) will be site specific and will complement the built fabric and architecture of the area. The artwork(s) will contribute to the creation of a vibrant, used, open and welcoming space. East Belfast Partnership’s remit to transform this part of East Belfast includes enhancing a sense of civic pride for local people, while improving the environment for residents of, and visitors, to this part of the city. The selection process will take the form of a two-stage open competition. The budget for the commission is £40,770. (approx €47,600) Stage 1 submission deadline: 3.00 p.m. 7th August 2013 To obtain a copy of the Artist's Brief, email Heather Chesney; heather@eastbelfastpartnership.org Or call Belfast on (028) 90467925 www.communitygreenway.co.uk
Concorso di arti visive "Talent Prize 2013"
Lunedì 8 luglio si chiuderanno le iscrizioni per partecipare al Talent Prize 2013. Il concorso di arti visive, giunto alla sua sesta edizione, è promosso dal gruppo Guido Talarico Editore e anche quest’ anno può vantare l’alto patrocinio dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, dell’Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico di Roma Capitale e dell’Ambasciata di Francia in Italia. Il Talent Prize 2013, è aperto gratuitamente agli artisti nati a partire dal 1973, che operano nei campi della pittura, fotografia, scultura, installazione e video. Per il secondo anno consecutivo, grazie al sostegno dell’Ambasciata di Francia in Italia e della città di Lille, il premio mantiene un respiro internazionale, garantendo la possibilità di partecipare al concorso anche agli artisti stranieri e offrendo al vincitore, oltre al premio dal valore di diecimila euro, anche una residenza d’artista di tre mesi a Lille e la possibilità di esporre i propri lavori durante la mostra collettiva prevista nella città francese. Per partecipare all’edizione 2013 gli artisti, dovranno presentare un’opera di nuova realizzazione o già realizzata purché non abbia partecipato ad altri concorsi o premi. I candidati potranno inviare, nel periodo di tempo compreso tra il 15 aprile e l’8 luglio 2013, la documentazione necessaria sia tramite posta che attraverso il sito www.talentprize.it, iscrivendosi alla sezione “partecipa”. I partecipanti possono contare sull’impegno di una giuria composta da riconosciute personalità del mondo dell’arte contemporanea: Luca Massimo Barbero – curatore Peggy Guggenheim Collection; Marie Fernandez – direttore arti visive e attività espositive della città di Lille; Alberto Fiz – direttore artistico MARCA; Anna Mattirolo – direttore MAXXI arte; Ludovico Pratesi – direttore artistico Centro Arti Visive Pescheria di Pesaro; Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo – presidente Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo; Guido Talarico – editore e direttore Inside Art e da quest’anno Micol Forti, curatrice della collezione di arte contemporanea dei Musei Vaticani.

Al fine di favorire l’accesso al mercato dei nuovi talenti, oltre al vincitore e ai nove finalisti individuati dalla giuria del concorso saranno individuati dagli sponsor e dai partner dell’ iniziativa alcuni premi collaterali: il premio speciale Casa dell’ Architettura, il premio speciale AXA in Italia, promosso dal Gruppo assicurativo AXA attraverso le compagnie AXA Assicurazioni, AXA MPS e AXA Art, il premio speciale Metaenergia e il premio speciale Insideart.eu.

Tutti gli artisti selezionati potranno esporre i propri lavori durante la collettiva finale prevista per il mese di novembre 2013 a La Casa dell’ Architettura di Roma.

Il concorso è sostenuto anche attraverso il magazine di cultura e arte contemporanea Inside Art.

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Presidente Bettino Francini
Via di Terranuova 11
52025 Montevarchi (Arezzo) ITALY

Lucia Badii info@aiesm.com
Albania,, Argentina, Australia, Belgio, Brasile, Canada, Cipro, Costa Rica, Croazia, Cuba, Francia, Germania, India, Italia, Lussemburgo, Messico, Nepal, Olanda, Portogallo, Russia, Siria, Svezia, Tailandia, Ucraina.