September 2007 - Ukraine

Georgiy Kudryavchenko, AIESM Manager in Ukraine in collaboration with the cultural association "Perun" and with the support of various sponsors, has organized the 4 International sculpture Symposium.
The event took place in the city of Kiev In Ukraine from 1 to 30 September 2007.
The invited artists, selected by a jury on the base of all the reached projects, carved stone blocks of around 2.20 x 1.5 x 1 meters, reproducing in enlarged scale the model of their proposal.
These the invited artists and the respective realized works:
- Alex Verstak, Toronto, Canada. Title of the sculpture: "Returning". Material: sandstone.
- Georgiy Kudryavchenko, Kiev, Ukraine. Title of the sculpture: "Tenderness". Material: sandstone.
- Maksim Shelegin, Kiev, Ukraine. Title of the sculpture: "The butterfly." Material: sandstone, marble.
- Svyatoslav Virsta, Chernovci, Ukraine. Title of the sculpture: "Sidercar for you". Material: sandstone
- Vasil Fedoruk, Chikago,USA. Title of the sculpture: "Land". Material: marble.
- Viktor Makushin, St. Peterburg, Russia. Title of the sculpture: "Voice of to flute". Material: sandstone
- Vitaliy Shelegin, Chernovci, Ukraine. Title of the sculpture: "Expectation". Material: sandstone.
- Vladimir Gavronskiy, Zaporojie. Ukraine. Title of the sculpture: "The act of love". Material: sandstone.
The sculptures realized during the symposium will permanently be installed in public places of the city of Kiev.