October 2006 – Switzerland
| The cultural Association ArteEntlebuch.ch and Ante Marinovic, AIESM Manager in Croazia, organized in Fluhli , Switzerland the I° international Sculpture Symposium in glass and stainless steel that took place from the 28th of October to the 11th of November 2006. Flühli is located in the heart of Switzerland and is part of the first Biosphere of the country. In the 18th and 19th centuries Flühli was one Europe main centers for manufacture of glass. For this symposium the organization committee required that glass, as material and medium, would be incorporated symbolically in the projects as Omagio Flühli glass. These are the artists, AIESM members, selected by the jury for the participation to the event: Alber De Matteis - United States, Diana Manni - Italy, David Martinez Bucio - Mexico, Ted Carrasco - Bolivia, Ante Marinovic - Croatia. The 5 Monumental sculptures realized during the vent on stainless steel and glass have been permanently installed in the followings villages of the region: Fluhli, Romoos, Hasle, , Escholzmatt and Marbach creating the first path of monumental public sculptures of this area.