July 2006 - Luxembourg

It is now 6 years that the Groupe Animation Gare a.s.b.l. together with the AIESM Manager for Luxembourg, Mrs Florence Hoffmann, organizes the GARE-ART-FESTIVAL event, with the support of the City of Luxembourg and the National Railways Society CFL.
Largely commented in the national press, this event consists in creation of sculptures right on the front place of the main railway station of the City of Luxembourg.
The symposium lasts one week and is daily visited by around 30.000 persons. After that, the pieces of art are exhibited during two months in the main area of the station to be afterwards permanently installed in the City of Luxembourg.
If 2001 and 2002 sculptures were in wood, those created in 2003 and 2004 were in sand and the 2005 and 2006 material has been calcareous stone of Tétange (Luxembourg). The sculpture have been created out of an unshaped “raw” block of +/- 1m 3 per sculptor on the Place de la Gare of Luxembourg-city from July 14th to July 21th included.
The Projects of 6 professional artists have been selected by a competent jury to be realized during the symposium. These were the selected artists: Daria Bokareva (Russia) - Florence Hoffmann ( Luxemburg) – David Martinez Bucio ( Mexico), Petrov Petre ( Bulgaria), Sae Wook Jang ( Korea), Schiltz Michel ( Luxemburg).
The sculptures realized during the event have been exhibited on the main square of the Railway station in Luxembourg city until September 10Th 2006.