March 2004 - mexico
The thirteenth International Symposium of monumental sculpture in stainless steel took place in Tultepec,Messico on March 2004. The symposium, organized by the sculptor Miguel Hern...
March 2003 - mexico
The twelfth International Symposium of monumental sculpture in stainless steel took place on March 2003 in Tultepec, Mexico. The symposium, organized by the sculptor Miguel Hernand...
July 2002 - luxemburg
The First International symposium of monumental sculpture in Luxemburg, has been organized in the town of Beaufort by the sculptress and architect Florence Hoffmann, Manager A.I.E...
March 2002 - mexico
The Eleventh International Symposium of monumental sculpture in stainless steel took place in Tultepec, Mexico on March 2002. The symposium, organized by the sculptor Miguel Hernan...
February 2001 - mexico
10th International Symposium of Monumental Sculptures -Stainless Steel - Tultepec, Mexico. N.15 sculptures realized from 3 to 4 meter high. These sculptures have been exhibited ...
February 2000 - mexico
9th International Symposium of Monumental Sculptures -Stainless Steel - Tultepec, Mexico. N. 15 sculptures realized from 3 to 4 meter high. These sculptures have been exhibited ...
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